The Zoning-Code Enforcement Office

Located on the second floor of Borough Hall
55 E. Main Street, Waynesboro, PA


Office/Inspection Hours 

Monday – Friday:  8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; and by appointment from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Matthew Schmidt, Code Enforcement Officer

Telephone:  717-762-2101, Ext. 230


John Honodel, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer

Telephone:  717-762-2101, Ext. 248


Submit Code Complaint
Pay Fee Online

DO I NEED A ZONING/LAND USE PERMIT? (Click here for more information.)

Most projects in the Borough require two permits; a zoning/land use permit and a building permit.  A zoning/land use permit ensures zoning and local ordinance compliance.  A building permit ensures compliance with PA state construction related codes.  A Land Use Permit or a Land Use Exemption, issued by the Borough of Waynesboro, MUST BE OBTAINED FIRST AND WILL BE REQUIRED in order to obtain a building permit.  Building permits are issued by PA Municipal Code Alliance located at 380 Wayne Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201 (Phone: 717-496-4996) or Commonwealth Code Inspection Services located at 1102 Sheller Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201 (Phone:  717-264-9191).

ZONING/LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION (Please review application for the required information.) 

Construction Drawings and a sketch of the property (with dimensions) showing the addition or improvements must be submitted for plan review prior to obtaining a Zoning/Land Use Permit.  Applications may be made by the owner, an agent of the owner, or a Registered Design Professional employed in connection with the proposed work, along with an executed notarized power of attorney and all deeds necessary.  Please remember to check your deed for any restrictions specific to your area when planning your project.

*Land Use Permits and Zoning Permits are terms used interchangeably and have the same meaning.

BEFORE OPENING A NEW BUSINESS IN WAYNESBORO  (Click here for more information.)


ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY?  The Borough of Waynesboro is seeking individuals who are interested in being considered for up to three (3) vacancies as alternate members on the Zoning Hearing Board.  Letters of interest should be forwarded to Borough Manager Jason Stains at 55 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 310, Waynesboro, PA or by email at